Wednesday, August 20, 2008

How To Save More Than $20,000!

You may be thinking: "what is this guy doing? He is all about staying married, and suddenly he is all about how to save money!" Well, bear with me for a minute. And remember what Ben Franklin said, "a penny saved is a penny earned." So, if you follow this advice, you can basically write yourself a check for $20K. If that doesn't grab your attention, I don't know what would!

OK, to be honest, you may actually save less, but you MAY save WAY MORE! Are you interested? If I could tell you how to save $20K, therefore adding $20K to your worth, would you do it? I would!

Are you ready for the secret? Because I am giving it away for free.

Two sentences will reveal the secret: Stay married. Don't get divorced.

The average cost of a divorce in the U.S. is now $20,000. That is the average legal expense and related costs, court fees, and loss of assets. It does not include the lost future earnings potentials, does not take into account the added expense of two households, does not get near the emotional costs to the spouses, children, or families. It does not address any of the collateral losses.

So, if you stay married, you have just saved at least $20,000.

I don't really expect that too many people will opt to stay married purely on financial reasons. But this is one factor that tends to be completely overlooked. And no wonder! Attorneys would rather you not know this! An attorney's job is based on that cost.

Now before you label me another person digging at attorneys, I do know many attorneys that try to get the couple to reconcile. But I also hear the stories where the client says "can we stop the process?" and the attorney pushes the client to keep going. I recognize that, just as I (a marriage therapist and preservationist) have a vested interest in helping to keep marriages together, attorneys have a vested interest in helping to take them apart.

So if your marriage is in trouble, write yourself a check for $20K, then figure out if your marriage can be saved. Ask yourself: "Have I done everything I can to get us back together? Have I done what I can to improve the relationship? Have I really worked to get back together?"

You see, I think our culture just takes divorce too lightly. We pretend that it solves problems. In reality, it creates many more problems than it solves. It increases human impact on the environment, impacts the children of divorce for a lifetime, creates painful emotional conflicts for the couple, destroys finances, divides the social circle of a family, and happens to almost 1 in 2 marriages.

I always reflect on the beginning of a marriage, the marriage vows. Usually, they amount to love, honoring, and respecting someone in good times or bad, sickness and health, poverty and wealth. There isn't much left over after that! We have full control over the love, honoring and respecting as ways of relating when the things we can't control (good, bad, sick, healthy, poor, wealthy) come our way.

By building a healthy marriage, you have just improved your finances by $20,000 or more. That may be enough rationale to give it a try!

More marriage saving information can be found in my ebook, available by

Monday, August 18, 2008

Save a Marriage - with Stop Marriage Divorce

Here are some fantastic Testimonials about the eBook "Stop Marriage Divorce"

"Incredibly Powerful & Illuminating... with never-before-seen insights delivering extraordinary results"

"Dear Katie,
After reading your book I was able to see immediate results in my marriage relationship just after the 5th day. You provided incredibly powerful & illuminating insights that I would never even thought of if it wasn't for your book. The methods in your book delivered extraordinary results that I never thought a book like this could bring... a thousand thanks and God bless for bringing me to your invaluable site"

"Dear Katie,
Phenomenal, articulate, simply amazing. You are the master of the game. With this great book you can learn to be like the master."

"I've read over twenty books, attended several seminars, went to marriage counseling, seek advice from friends, and nothing I did worked. My husband was about to divorce me and marry his secretary until I found your phenomenal site. Your book is jammed packed with fast acting strategies. I used them immediately and I saw quick results. My husband's entire attitude change. I love your book Katie. You don't understand how important it is for you to save my marriage and stop the divorce. It is a timeless resource that I will gladly recommend to anybody. You gave me the other side of the coin that I never thought off."

Dear Katie
"This is a Most effective book"

"For years I went thru some tough time with my wife. I read over twenty books on saving marriages, relationships and stopping divorces, but none of the books were effective. Your book by far is the most unique, but yet, most effective book I have ever read on saving my marriage. I only needed to apply a few of your techniques to my marriage, but before you know it my marriage was in great shape. Many of my friends were so amazed at how I did it that I just decided to show them your book."

"Mastery to Saving your Marriage is just about the best book I have read on saving your marriage. It clearly explains the dynamics of a marriage and provides me with tips on saving my melted marriage. I didn't think the tricks the book taught me would work initially, but after trying it out, it worked like a charm. Unlike many other books that I read which offer logical short term aids that makes it a favorable read, but fail in the long run to fix shaky marriages your book serves as the gold standard in saving a marriage because your book discusses the paths of a successful marriage My marriage is not only fixed, but it stronger than ever. Thanks Katie."

To read about the Book that induced customer feedback like this, READ:
Save My Marriage

Save my marriage
Stop Marriage Divorce

Sunday, August 17, 2008

'Bring Back the love of your Life'

is for you if ...

  • You are feeling broken hearted, lonely and despondent because of a relationship breakup, and you long for the return of a lost love or spouse ...

  • Your spouse or lover has been having an extramarital affair, but you truly care for this person and are willing to do anything necessary to save your relationship ...

  • You and your spouse or lover are fighting and quarreling almost everyday, and you want to break the barriers of stubbornness, of bitterness, and of blindness in this relationship ...

  • You and your spouse are facing a potential
    , but you truely love your spouse and want to save the marriage ...
  • You are having a great relationship with your partner right now, but are fearful that one day your spouse or lover might betray you or leave you. Learn how to keep your lover or spouse by your side forever, without all the heartache, fear, and pain ...
  • Your lover or spouse has suddenly lost Interest in you for no apparent reasons, and you cannot figure out the reasons; even the so-called professionals have no real answers for you...

  • You want to learn a
    Simple "Four Step Strategy" which always works in bringing back a lost love, no matter what type of relationship you are involved in.

Retrieve your Lover - 'Bring Back the love of your Life'

'Bring Back the love of your Life'